Chester Lee Coloma
- Software Developer && Mechanical Engineer
Previous experience - planned and executed maintenance repairs of US
Navy nuclear submarines
Passion for front-end web development with a focus on responsive
design and user interface (UI) development
Paul Brown
- Engineer -> Entrepreneur -> Engineer
- Previous experience: 5x startup founder (3 exits); fintech, crypto and real estate.
- Passionate about frontier-tech.
- Wanting to be at the forefront of AI and crypto; they will redefine our lives in the next 10 years, and I want to be as close to ground zero as possible.
Sydney Mae Pagalan
- Navy Vet & Medical Assistant -> Software Developer
- Previous Experience: Work at Kaiser Permanente as an MA and served 6 years in the US Navy.
- I am deeply passionate about the intersection of the medical field and technology, as well as my love for gaming.